Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yahrzeit Minyan at HHNE

I led services Tuesday morning at Avi's last school to mark his yahrzeit. All those who were HHNE students when Avi died have since graduated and leading lives of their own. There are still a few who knew Avi from the Hebrew Academy and Beth David Synagogue.

Morning services at HHNE have improved considerably since Avi's time, and he would have appreciated the improved atmosphere. The students are now divided into different minyanim (prayer groups) according to their knowledge and commitment. While he would have been with other advanced students, Avi would have missed the opportunity to help and influence those who were less familiar with the prayers.

I remembered where Avi was the very last time that we were together at HHNE, when he saw me marking my mother's yahrzeit.

That was less than three weeks before I had to start reciting Kaddish for him.


Monday, February 08, 2010

Avi's Fourth Yahrzeit, Monday Evening, February 8

My memories of Avi's final hours remain and shall continue to remain as fresh as they were four years ago.


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