Friday, August 24, 2007

Empty Nest

We took Chana off to college last Sunday.

Some people have been reminding us that we have an empty nest.
Others have been asking how it feels to have an empty nest.

Our "nest" became prematurely empty, so I'd rather that others not ask me about it.

I did not get emotional about Chana going away...She's not far and she can come home whenever she wants. Not so for...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Plaque for Avi in Israel

Avi's uncle and aunt, Moshe and Ronna Teren dedicated a memorial plaque in their synagogue in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Moshe chose the Biblical verse from Avi's bar mitzvah portion, Miketz (the Joseph story).

Translation: "Can a man like this be found who has the spirit of God within him?"

Zichron Avraham Yehudah - Blogged