Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Do you have recollections, anecdotes, feelings to share here?

I invite readers to post comments, especially those with memories to share.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Synagogue Memorial Plaque

Avi's plaque at Beth David Synagogue is mounted on the memorial board in the foyer just outside the beit midrash (chapel), which Avi used to pass on his way to services on Friday evenings, Saturday afternoons, and on a number of weekday services.

That board was probably the last thing that Avi saw inside the synagogue building when he left Beth David after his final, weekday minyan on the Sunday morning before his death.

Cheated Out of Another Day

"...Mekhadesh b'khol yom ma'ase v'reisheet..."

"...Who renews every day the act of Creation..."

Every new day reminds me of yet another day out of which Avi was cheated.

In the entries below are photos of Avi throughout his short life.
I adjusted the time stamps so that the photos will go from top to bottom from youngest to oldest.

Avi at 18 Days

Avi's "graduation picture" from the Neonatal ICU at Arnot-Ogden Hospital, Elmira, NY.

"Eit laledet..." - "A time to be born..."

Avi's First Studio Photo

Avi at Age 2

This was his favorite photo.

Ages 4 and 3

These were taken at the Temple Judea Nursery School in Massapequa, NY.

Budding Chess Player

Avi was becoming a pretty good chess player, learning from and playing against Chessmaster8000 and from people online. Here, he pondered a move over my chess set, one that I had owned since my early childhood.

Age 5

Avi, the Power Ranger

Avi used to spend hours constructing complex figures based on the Power Rangers cartoon show.

Age 6

Age 7

Age 8

Age 9

Age 12

Age 13

Age 14

June 2006

Avi's Sigal Hebrew Academy Graduation.

Another Graduation Photo

July 19, 2005

Braces off.

August 2005

December 15, 2005

15th Birthday, His Last

Instead of a 16th Birthday

"...ve'eit lamoot." - "...and a time to die."
This is what has become of Avi's dreams, future, potential, learning...

"...havel havalim ki hakol havel."
"...Futility of futilities. All is futile!"

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Avi would have layned this morning.

Avi would have chanted the latter half of this morning's Torah reading, Parshat Nasso in the Book of Numbers, the section about the gifts of the 12 princes at the dedication of the altar.

I read instead. When I came to the last verse, I emphasized the words on Avi's headstone.

I wonder how many congregants got it? Not too many.
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