Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rafael Patel Wins Avi Lapidus Memorial Award

Mazel Tov to Rafi Patel, the second recipient of the Avi Lapidus Memorial Award at the HHNE commencement tonight.

"The Avi Lapidus Memorial Award recognizes a student who has demonstrated a passion for both Judaic Studies and Technology."

Susie and Chana attended the graduation. I arrived towards the end of the reception due to my class schedule, but I had the chance to congratulate Rafi personally, who plans to study in Israel for year.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I did quite well in my course work, but...

...Avi, of course, would have been at the top of the class.

There's so much computer-talk that the two of us could have shared...

When I first entered the Branford Hall program, I did not disclose to my classmates anything about Avi and his death. I did not want my situation to color the other students' - all of whom are less than half my age - perceptions and relationships with me. Once we all became well enough acquainted, however, I no longer felt the need to not reveal.

Once during the first module, in answering an instructor's question, I mentioned that I had a computer at home built from scratch. I quickly added, "But not by me!" One classmate found that strange and interjected, "You had to mention that?!" He probably was thinking that I was just trying not to stand out.

Several weeks later, after I had repaired Avi's computer at school, I asked that same classmate to help me with the doors as I was taking the machine to my car. I then told him that there was a story behind that computer, and that I had had a reason for emphasizing that it was "not built by me."

When he learned about my younger son, he asked me whether I had chosen to enter the computer field because of Avi. I told him that that was not the case. Rather, my choice had to do with my own interests, which Avi then picked up on and ran with...

My Computer at Branford Hall.

The school issues to each student a computer for classroom lab use and to take home upon graduation.

When I configured it with my name, I filled in the "Company" name header as well:

Not only did I add this blog among the "favorites" on my computer at school, I added it to one or two of the Branford Hall classroom computers. I'm sure no one will mind.

Finished the 2nd Module at Branford Hall...

...where I am a Computer Information Technology student.

I practiced WindowsXP configuration on Avi's computer in preparation for my final exam and simply to make improvements.

Somehow, Avi knew how to auto-logon without going through the Welcome Screen or the classic logon.

You don't have to understand this tech talk. Suffice it to say that my instructor (who's exactly one year older than Menachem) and I had to look up on the Microsoft website how Avi had done it.

Avi's UserID and Wallpaper Maintained...

...in his memory. I kept his Super Mario Brothers wallpaper; otherwise, I made changes in the desktop and some of the settings to reflect the reality of the computer's current use by those who survive.

Had to Repair Avi's Computer-Again

The new video card was defective, and I installed a new one last week.
All is well...with the computer.
Zichron Avraham Yehudah - Blogged