Tuesday, February 13, 2007

25 MarSh'vat - The Yahrzeit

Today was the Yahrzeit. It was a denouement from the more difficult Shabbat and Sunday, when Susie and I went to the cemetery.

In Avi's memory, I gave a Mishna lesson after morning minyan at Beth David. I taught Terumot, the last two mishnayot of chaper 8. I did not speak about Avi, because I am still unable to do so in public. It would have been as difficult as my speaking at the unveiling last September.

The Hebrew High School of New England held a memorial service today during the day, attended by Chana. Avi's classmate, Ben Perlsweig gave the eulogy. Rabbi Daniel Loew, the principal, taught Mishna and Rabbi David Jeremias chanted the memorial prayer. When I have more details, I'll post them.


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