Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Sad Day Topped By Another Death

This evening, the Connecticut Children's Medical Center held its annual memorial service for children who had died at the hospital. I've been working long hours lately, so I was unable to attend the service, but it was on my mind today.

During the course of the nondemoniational service, parents were given the opportunity to say a few words about their children. Had I been there, I doubt that I would have been emotionally able to get past the first sentence.

To top off my sadness, I was informed by Rabbi Adler at minyan tonight that the 14-year-old grandson of Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, the principal of the Sigel Hebrew Academy, died today of injuries that he had suffered on the day before Shavu'ot. A car had struck Dov Mattityahu while he was riding his bicycle.

I felt as if my own Avi had died again.

May the family of Dov Mattityahu be sustained as they confront grief.


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