Saturday, March 18, 2006

From Nick Presta, a Friend on Digital Pandemic

First, I would like to extend my condolences to your family. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. ...

I was a friend of Avi. We met on a message board early last year. The theme of the message board was Web Development (Coding and Design) and while I was learning, Avi helped me greatly. He taught me and offered his advice with some of the tasks I had to accomplish not only to me, but to many other people.

A topic at the message boards was made in his honour.

The follow people wanted to say goodbye to him and wish your family their ondolences: Helljumper, Ricapar, ns1987, Mysteerie, Outboarder, BladeBunny, EBcubs03, Zareba, Justin, UltimateGamer, Nonexistant Day, Koran Rag, Solidus, Eric King, Ruby Weapon X, Ultra Elite, Brendanator, LTC, Hawkeye, Stripe, 23rdMagus, Skateboardin, Xboxlover2, NSA, Ronald, GameSource, Megaman Xero, XiMagus, Headbanger, Starworld, InfiniteFox, msg Master, Bob, Supersizeme, Your Eliteness, Jero, Milan, SN256, MostWanted, Sirbular, Secptile Master, James, Survivor Series, Mantastorm, NintendoGirl, GamerGirl, Perfection, HID, Kaplan, munchkip, Tom, CurseWord, Eskimo Joe, FearKiller, Flash, Jab and many others. The names above are a small portion or the people he helped daily.

I just want to say that he was a great guy and we would have daily conversations about coding, programming and basketball and he will truly be missed.


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